When Beauty Bio cellulose fiber face mask sheets, 10:00 PM, the last choice, glamour, travelmate, sheet face masks

When Beauty Official

6 products

    When Beauty Official

    When® Beauty 2011 developed by Korean healthcare professional Jin Han Lee. Mr. Lee, who wanted to introduce high-quality advanced skin treatments from dermatologist clinics and spas to suit the busy lifestyles of today's women who may not have time to afford such luxuries.

    To do this, he has used the latest skin care innovations and research to create a gentle yet effective range of skin care products that would eliminate the visible signs of aging, would increase skin firmness, tone, texture ir brilliance.

    When® provides PREMIUM smart skin care solutions every time your skin needs a spa treatment. WHEN face mask formulas are gentle yet effective with the best tested materials and ingredients, unique textures and beautiful packaging designs that consumers can enjoy and relate to. Want to buy? You can pick up the goods when you come to our beauty salon in Šilute, which is called - AurelijosSPA (Lietuvininkų st. 68A, Šilute).

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