Darsonval apparatus
- This is one of the electrotherapy methods used in cosmetology.
- It is a treatment with a pulsed, alternating sinusoidal high-frequency, high-voltage, low-intensity current.
- Has an irritating effect on the skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscles.
- The ozone produced during the procedure has a bactericidal effect.
- The effect of electrical discharges causes the blood vessels of the skin to dilate, speeds up metabolism, which is an important factor in increasing the absorption of therapeutic substances in cosmetic products into the skin.
- An important factor is the activation of blood circulation. Local redistribution of blood flow begins during the procedure and remains for a long time after the procedure.
- Activation of blood and lymph promotes the excretion of slag and digestion products, oxygen uptake, stimulates cellular energy processes.
Ozone release during the procedure has a bacteriostatic effect. Prolonged procedures retain only the bacteriostatic effect, and increasing the power and duration of exposure kills the microbial flora, making the procedure widely used for acne, wounds, and various skin lesions.